Aarrghh! It’s a Pirate Party!
I can’t believe my baby is turning 6! Where did the time go?
I can’t believe my baby is turning 6! Where did the time go?
It seems like we just brought him home from the hospital yesterday.

We asked him where he would like to have his party- and of course he picked Incredible Pizza. If you don’t have an Incredible Pizza near you – it’s a pretty cool place. Check them out at: http://www.incrediblepizza.com/. They have the usual pizza party place stuff- skee-ball, bumper cars, coin games and arcade games. The usual routine, play games-win ticket… get goodies. Incredible Pizza also has a mini bowling alley, race cars and mini golf! Our boys of course love it there!

I decided to decline the pizza invitations and make my own. Fortunately for me, my sister has some awesome pirate stamps.

I also made goodie bags to match the invitations.

As luck would have it, while at Hobby Lobby the other day, I ran across pirate candies and cup cake liners! What a find! I just had to have them. So, now I will also be making the cupcakes for the party.

I love to surf the net for new cooking and baking websites. I found a cool candy mold site called Candy Mold Central - http://candymoldcentral.com/. They have a ton of candy and chocolate molds as well as pans and 3-D molds. I checked…and Eureka! There they were-- pirate molds! I can’t wait to try them out!
This was a very fun party!!! Thanks again for inviting us we had a great time!