Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to School Teacher Gifts

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It is that time of year!  Back to School!

My boys were excited to meet their teachers, check out their classes and see which friends they would get to spend the year with.

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I decided to make teacher gifts.  You saw that coming, right?

It all started with my sister’s craft/stamping class.  Every 3rd Sunday from 2-5, if you are in the SA area- you should come check it out.  She always has cool projects for us to do!

Last class we made a super cute apple basket.  I used them to contain my teacher gifts.

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I made a notebook organizer thingy.  I modeled it after one my sister had made for GNO…I’m such a copy-cat.  But hey, it was super cute- you would want to copy it too.

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I  also made a post-it note holder and a papered pen to match.

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So that they had a little something sweet- I put in a couple of chocolate covered pretzels in as well.

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I think it actually turned out pretty cute. 

For the first day of school, every teacher needs a little something sweet to get her through the day.

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I put chocolate chip cookies in cello bags and tied them with ribbon.  Made these simple little brown paper bags, and there you have it.  My alternative to the traditional apple.

I hope they like them.  I can’t wait to get started on the next project.